In today’s fast-paced supply chain environment, access to precise, actionable data is critical to maintaining efficiency, reducing costs, and staying competitive. At Descartes, we continuously strive to deliver tools that empower our customers with deeper insights and greater control. Our latest Descartes MacroPoint Analytics Enhancements unlock robust new reporting capabilities designed to optimize your logistics operations. 

Based on customer feedback, our 5-star report and compliance dashboards have been a major help for users looking to improve carrier performance, so we set out to deliver even more actionable data in our most recent update. Let’s take a closer look at the key features of these enhancements and how they add value to our customers. 

1. Detention Dashboard: Proactively Tackle Wait Times   

Carrier Detention can significantly impact operational efficiency and costs. With the new Detention Dashboard, you can identify facilities with the highest wait times and the factors contributing to delays.

Key Takeaways

2. Carrier & Lane On-Time Dashboard: Evaluate & Optimize Performance   

Late deliveries can tarnish your reputation and strain customer relationships. The Carrier and Lane On-Time Dashboard helps you monitor performance metrics across carriers and locations over time. 

Key Takeaways

3. Timeliness Report: Enhancing Visibility for TMS Tracking 

Timing is everything in logistics. The Timeliness Report highlights the gap between event occurrences and when they were reported, making it invaluable for improving Transportation Management Systems (TMS) tracking capabilities. 

Key Takeaways

4. Super Tracked Dashboard: Precision in Tracking 

Reliability in tracking is non-negotiable. The Super Tracked Dashboard sets a high standard for tracking data by measuring adherence to key parameters. 

Key Takeaways

5. Address Quality Dashboard: Enhancing Geofencing Gaps  

Accurate geofencing is critical for seamless arrival and departure event logging. The Address Quality Dashboard identifies problem addresses that may lead to missed events. 

Key Takeaways

6. CO₂ Dashboard: Sustainability Insights  

In an era where sustainability is a priority, the CO₂ Dashboard provides visibility into your carbon footprint. 

Key Takeaways

The Value of Enhanced Reporting with MacroPoint  

The new reporting capabilities within Descartes MacroPoint Analytics provide a comprehensive toolkit for tackling inefficiencies, improving carrier performance, ensuring tracking reliability, and supporting sustainability initiatives. By equipping your team with precise, actionable insights, these enhancements drive smarter decision-making, strengthen customer relationships, and ultimately contribute to a more resilient and efficient supply chain. 

Transform your logistics operations with these cutting-edge reporting tools 

Learn more about Descartes MacroPoint and start leveraging the power of enhanced analytics.